Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Main Sequence

Ok so I'm sitting in my astronomy class learning about star stuff and I thought of a great idea!

I am going to start a band and guess what it will be called? ........

It has a feeling of authority it's the name of a serious rock band.

If you know astronomy you know that the Main Sequence is basically a row/ grouping of stars (including our very own Sun), you should also know a whole bunch of things like the dull but longer lifespan stars are on one side and the brighter shorter lifespan tend to be on the other -it's irrelevant to the band.

We could use a graphic picture of the Main Sequence as our logo but take out the Y and X axis. We would also place our logo in the centre of the big drum in a drum-set.

Our song list:

Cover of the Sailor Moon Theme

Atom (a song about a lover named Adam but

pronounced with an accent so it sounds like Atom)

A Failed Star ( aka a Brown Drawf in astronomical terms)

Stellar Properties (about someone cool)

NATS1740 (there's no explanation necessary)
Trapped in a Black hole
I would have to be the guitarist unfortunately according to Guitar Hero I have no skill what-so-ever.
Chris would be like a keyboard/ guitarist and bass
Kevern would be on drums -it just looks right.
AJ would come in with like a Will Smith rap vibe.
Prof. Hall would be the triangle.
Chris and I would be vocals and Prof. Hall would write the songs.
If you're curious AJ Kevern Chris and Prof. Hall are all part of NATS1740.
This band is solid we're going to be BIG!
Mega-hits every week! For sure were going to get a Grammy ;)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

About aMElia

My name is Amelia
My favourite colours are purple, green and blue
I am a vegetarian
I have a dog (a Westie) named Bonnie -she is not a pet she is a part of my family
I surround myself with a wide variety of personalities as far as my friends go (a friend named Larry told me that today!)
My favourite foods consist of ice cream, cheese pizza and a West Indian dish of rice and chickpeas
I wish to travel the world but I am also terrified of flying I feel like you tempt fate/'the gods' by flying after all if we were supposed to fly wouldn't we have wings?
I am christian but i have doubts and I obviously sin just like anyone else I do respect every ones' beliefs and believe that is some truth to all religions and they are somehow all connected we just don't have the means to figure out how
I often feel like people don't listen when I speak, it sucks -it really sucks when I know I'm right and have to wait for them to realize it
I have many dreams and goals but they are hard to organize and almost everything in life seems to be about who you know
I really enjoy university I just wish it was more affordable but then again who doesn't?
My hobbies include trampolining (the only sport I take part in) and collecting random facts about the world -I repeat those facts during awkward silences and other awkward events
I am mixed black and white -with a whole lot of everything Trini Canadian Spanish Scottish etc etc Canada has it's own culture you just have to search a little harder to find it.
I try to see a relative point in every one's opinion but I'm only human so it can be hard.
I'm a tad O.C.D a tad lazy a tad perfectionist and of course a tad self-centred
For the most part I aim to love and be loved
I believe that music might be the greatest thing on earth something reaches to everyone
I hope you like my blogging.