Sunday, September 27, 2009

Full Circle

I find it strange how things in life really do come full circle.

The first month of school is just finishing and just like last fall I find myself attempting to see Jersey Boys, last year I think I almost went with the same friend about 10 times but never managed to buy a ticket. This year I have a ticket ( instead of my friend it's my mother and her friend) but I have an essay due the next day so it depends how much work I get done in the next few days. If I manage to make it this year I'll write you about the performance.

However Jersey Boys is just one of the smaller ways life has come full circle. Once again I am living in a new place with whole new issues to deal with. It is still a campus residence but it is completely different from my first one. Last year I had a room. That was all. OK not exactly all. I did have a room with a desk, two chairs and a bed. I was on my own for the first and alone. None of my friends from before, were there and most of my friends had taken the year off and couldn't really relate to any of my new life experiences.

This year my new dorm has a kitchen, a washroom and I roommate. I still have my own personal room with all the luxuries I had in first year too. Having a roommate is great! We became friends in first year so it is not like living with a total stranger but it is still an adjustment. Once again I have to make new groups of friends, for a few difference reasons. Most of the people I hung out with in residence last year are now scattered across campus, so I cant just knock on their doors at any given time for any given thing.

The main reason for needing to make friends all over again is time. It was unexpected. My friends from home and I are still so close, I never would have guessed the small sum of a summer could make a difference but it did.
People I imagined I'd be closest with, I am furthest apart from. Fortunately for me the friends I thought would disappear came back ten times stronger.

My friends that took a year off have started school and it's funny reliving the few weeks I went through every time they mention their life. I don't think all them realize yet, that it is the same thing for every single person out there but it's nice. I laugh every time I think about next September for them and than me.

New classes, new friends, I think it is safe to assume I will have to start again (a least a little start) every year. I was getting discouraged until Friday when I made a few comments in class that made the people around me laugh. Once they laughed or the second time since last year, I realized (cheesy as it sounds) everything is going to be alright.

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