Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time out -thanks for reading

So I can't write this blog at the moment and I felt I need to write one last piece just to say goodbye instead of just falling off the face of the planet.
My life had just got really busy at the moment -not in like a tragic way but a positive way and I hardly have time to myself let alone my blog.
To my 3 or 4 readers out there; Thanks for reading.
If you need something new to fill your time with I suggest - a friend told me about it and it seems like a blast for a rainy day.
Check every few months and you might find something posted ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Petition to get Rooney to add Toronto to their headlining Summer 2010 Tour!

So a quick sorry to my 3 readers out their, I'm sorry i haven't been writing but I've been really busy I even turned 20 while I was away!

I started writing for an online magazine called M.I.C Check so you can follow me there and find some other writers too :)
I need a favour:


Their name is Rooney and the group is a petition to get them to put Toronto -a big city in Ontario Canada on their tour. I know it won't work but it should at least get them to notice the city and realize they have at least one crazy fan there. So join it for me  please.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Song of The Month

      So for most uni or college students "the end is near!" I know I can't wait, March and April look like they're going to be the craziest months ever. This is not my usual style but I do want to say Happy Birthday to my friends Chris and Alex! Since it is March and it was St. Patrick's Day I'm going to use a song from an Irish band.

If I Ever Leave This World Alive
by Flogging Molly

If I ever leave this world alive

I'll thank for all the things you did in my life

If I ever leave this world alive

I'll come back down and sit beside your

feet tonight

Wherever I am you'll always be

More than just a memory

If I ever leave this world alive

If I ever leave this world alive

I'll take on all the sadness

That I left behind

If I ever leave this world alive

The madness that you feel will soon subside

So in a word don't shed a tear

I'll be here when it all gets weird

If I ever leave this world alive

So when in doubt just call my name

Just before you go insane

If I ever leave this world

Hey I may never leave this world

But if I ever leave this world alive

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,

Though you have gone from my life

You said that it would,

Now everything should be all right

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,

Though you have gone from my life

You said that it would,

Now everything should be all right

Yeah should be alright

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"The One Named Sailor Moon"

Quick Fact:

       Sometimes when things get to be too much I revert to acting like I'm 6. For instance obviously this time of year gets a little hectic, what with school, work, friends and family (what else is new in the universe?) and I was feeling the pressure a little too much so for the past day and a half I've been on Youtube watching Sailor Moon.

     It really does help and i think I could base all my morals and how I want to live my life based on the ethics of Sailor Moon, my friends know that I'm 'the one on who they can depend and will always be there to defend" ;) and for all they know I too have secret powers of the universe.

   It's not just me, someone in my contemporary Latin American studies course yesterday was watching Stickin Around which got our whole class searching for videos of YTV and shows such as Power Rangers and The Muppets.

   I truly believe that these shows help us through somewhat tough times, they remind us that life's not so could it be with heroes like Sailor Moon?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Song of the month x2

Song one for those who are not a fan of Valentine's day:
I Hate Everyone
by Get Set Go

Some stupid chick in the checkout line
Was paying for beer with nickels and dimes
And some old man who clipped coupons
Had argued whenever they wouldn't take one
All I wanted to was buy some cigarettes
But I couldn't take it anymore so I left

I hate everyone (4x)

All the people on the street, I hate you all
And the people that I meet, I hate you all
And the people that I know, I hate you all
And the people that I don't, I hate you all

Oh, I hate you all
Some fucking asshole just cut me off
And gave me the finger when I fucking honked
Then he proceeded to put on the brakes
He slammed on the brakes, but I made a mistake
When I climbed out of my van he was waiting
But he was six three and two hundred pounds of Satan

I hate everyone (4x)

All the people on the street, I hate you all
And the people that I meet, I hate you all
And the people that I know, I hate you all
And the people that I don't, I hate you all
Oh, I hate you all

I bet you think I'm kidding
But I promise you it's true
I hate most everybody
But most of all I hate
Oh, I hate you

All the people on the street, I hate you all
And the people that I meet, I hate you all
And the people that I know, I hate you all
And the people that I don't, I hate you all
And the people in the east, I hate you all
And the people I hate least, I hate you all
And the people in the west, I hate you all
And the people I like best, I hate you all

Oh, I hate you all

Now for those who love Valentine's day:

I Found Love
by The Free Design

I found love, didn’t even know I needed it
But I found love, never even crossed my mind
I found love, had a garden never weeded it
But I found love, took an apple just in time

I found love in the fall and it did not hurt at all
I found sunlight and flowers, soft summer showers
I can feel my heart touch my Adams apple
I can feel the feather in my head

There is a lightness, politeness, fingers tingle, tootsies tap
‘till dawn comes and finds me never in my bed

I found love, didn’t even know I needed it
But I found love, never even crossed my mind

I found love in the spring and I did not lose a thing
I found love in the fall and it did not hurt at all
I found sunlight and flowers, soft summer showers.
I can feel my heart touch my Adams apple
I can feel the feather in my head

There is a lightness, politeness, fingers tingle, tootsies tap
‘till dawn comes and finds me never in my bed

Had a garden never weeded it
But I found love
Took an apple just in time

I found love in this world and my heart strings just unfurled
I found love in the spring and I did not lose a thing
I found love in the fall and it did not hurt at all

I found love in this world and my heart strings just unfurled
I found love in the spring and I did not lose a thing

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Have you ever felt like you've had too much to do? Like you're overwhelmed with task: fun or dreadful?


Who hasn't felt like they've got too much on their plate? I feel like that right now so I took a breath and remembered that a ton of you out there are feeling the same. :)

So I think you (RIGHT NOW, Don't wait) should take a breath, stop what you're doing and walk around the room for a minute.
Walk around, think of something crazy or fun or simple and do it! Find something that takes five minutes and as long as it has NO PURPOSE do it! Colour in a colouring book. Change all the pen caps around. Count some tiles on the floor.

I think we all need to remember that in a few years or even a few a months from now all the chores you feel you have to get done now, won't matter anymore. So I'm on my way to do something right now, even if I don't know what that is yet.

Do something useless, you deserve it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

jersey shore get wild get crazy

So I'm really sick well not really sick but i feel like cr*p (I don't know if I should say non pg language) with ear and sinus infections.

so I'm going to ramble on cause i have a lot of Advil and a little out of date orange sinus syrup i was prescribed a few months ago. I also had a lot of those drugs this morning cause I had to write an in class nothing say: BAD IDEA
I bombed. Nothing I wrote made sense until my conclusion which was more of a thesis statement and was in reality my whole argument that I was trying to write it just came out a little incoherent (probably like this blog is now).
Anyhoo The Situation from Jersey Shore is bothering me (I'm watching reruns) and Vinny is turning out to be hilarious.

With recent events in Haiti I sent my last paycheck to the red cross but now I'm frustrated cause it doesn't seem to matter how much I give I can't save the world (doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying but I really wish I was Really really rich so I could do more -I would. As long as my friends and family were safe and happy everything else would go to saving the world but there's the animals the people the earth and each of those have categories such as pets or endangered, locals who need help or foreign aid etc etc etc it seems like i have a lot to do in my lifetime)

I hope my friend Mel is ok, she was having issues but my cell is dead. I have good friends even the friends I don't really consider friends are good -they sent me a lot where are you this week and get better messages.

hahahahaha Snookie on Shore loves pickles so mike and Pauly d. are punk'ing her with pickles. Her real name is Nicole.

Um my old law teacher from high school has a son who is sick um i think its cancer i cant remember right now but hes recovering -struggling but
recovering. Even if i fix the world i cant fix stuff like that.

I wish my blackberry would work. The Killers are taking a break from showbiz...who cares? I loved their first album but their second one did nothing for me and that seems like a long time ago anyway so I think it's safe to say we didn't need them to announce their break.

I like 2 embarrassing things: I really like Jay Leno's work (and apparently that's uncool) AND I like Star Wars episode 1-3 I like them a lot despite what everyone else says I love Jar Jar Binks!

if you listened i mean if you read this and got anything from it WOW i know i wont but if you read this for the sake of reading it THANKS I know it took a lot of effort. I think I'm getting tired however it won't last long so you might get some more.

war child 10 -a new cd to help people check it out