Sunday, May 17, 2009

Veggn' out!

So as you should know I'm a vegetarian. It's not too hard. I don't have a problem with cutting out meat, my problem has to do with replacing it...and also marsh mellows.
I clearly don't eat healthy enough I lack protein and iron but I'm working on it.

I'm not a big fan of marsh mellows I just like them in other deserts like RiceKrispie -Squares and s'mores so I have spent all weekend looking for vegan marsh mellows. I searched all over I was almost desperate I found a store in Georgia and New Zealand but I have finally found the right place for me in Toronto, its this store on.......called....... Panacea: An Eco Shopping Oasis

I went here just to look for marsh mellows but I found so much more! I plan to go back sometime soon maybe after my trip to Italy in June, I think the store will continue to be a big help with my vegetarian lifestyle -which at this moment isn't very healthy. They had so many options, I often have a hard time finding food because I am very allergic to bell peppers (I know strange but it runs in the family) but there were sooooooooo many selections to choose from, many without soy products which can be a problem for people allergic to peanuts. Being a Vegetarian can be a little pricey. It's tricky to find affordable healthy food without meat, -that's why so many westerners are over-weight because things like Mc Donald's are so much cheaper than vegan places.

I even bought some vegan Gummie bears! I was worried that they would taste too healthy 0if you know what I mean but they were great! I shared them with my friends who almost all eat meat and they loved them too! The best thing about the Gummie bears (besides the satisfaction of not eating an animal) is that they don't have that after feeling. Shirley and I were agreeing that regular Gummie bears often leave you with a sick feeling (your body is telling you they weren't to good for you lol) but the vegan bears left you perfectly fine.

Even if you're not a vegetarian I recommend you visit the store. In case you don't know why I look for vegan marsh mellows it is because many things with that type of chewy-gummy texture contains a substance called gelatin. Gelatin is made up of a few icky things including cow hooves (when I picture gelatin I just imagine the foot of a cow being torn off -eww I know). When I was a kid I thought that gelatin was artificial but as it turns out I was wrong. Gelatin is still used very much today and is very much real including the hooves.

Have you ever tried being a vegetarian? Vegan? Or even just tried cutting out red-meat? As much as I would like to just tell you all to stop eating any type of meat, I suggest you give it a try, but do it for the right reasons. Really think about the choice, Are you trying it because it seems to be the trend? As my friend Morgan once said 'You can't just take a political stance without a reason'.
I am a vegetarian because I don't believe in eating someone (let's classify someone as a being with a pulse for the argument's sake) I believe that animals have souls and don't deserve to be killed for our benefit (lol -a little intense?), but you could try it to be healthier just be sure to replace the iron, protein, calcium, even the calories. If you are trying to loose weight -I don't think this is the right way. Remember to think always think about what you do and why you do it (this applies to all aspects of life).


1 comment:

  1. Hi Amelia. You twittered me a question about your iTunes Card but i couldn't reply as you aren't following me. Anyway, if you are still having the gift card problem, go to this page and use the form at the bottom to let customer service know about your problem.

    And i picked this post because i'm vegan.

