Friday, May 29, 2009

8 Days!

8 DAYS 8 DAYS 8DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's in 8 days you ask?


That's right in 8 days I leave for Italy.

I admit I'm a little nervous for a tonne of different things. For one I hate planes lol Another I'm worried I wont make friends -well new friends, I am going with my friend Morgan.

I will be going with a company called EF
I went on a tour with them and my grade 11 french class and it was a blast. I would even go as far as to say life-changing. The people I grouped with during the trip for the most part turned out to be my really close friends and they are a big part of my life even now; Melissa, Miles and Morgan (hmmm all Ms that's a strange coincidence lol). Those are the three that I talk to and love the most but from time to time I see the others. We went to Italy, Monaco, France and a German Airport, plus The Vatican is legally it's own state and we were there too so we covered a lot in just 10days but this time is really different.

I give my self props!
I think it was pretty brave of me to book my trip to Italy earlier this year. For one I didn't know Morgan would be going -it wasn't until right before the deadline that she even switched her trip to Italy to match mine. I was going there all by myself and no I don't speak a word of Italian. It has only been recent that my major fear of flying has surfaced. I think I've always had nerves but with so many crashes in the news this year, when I went to my brother's wedding in March I was balling my eyes out right be fore take off cause of fear.

Here is the basic plot of the trip.
I go to Italy sort of like an exchange student (with no one coming to here). I stay with a 'host' family ( I just got their information a few days ago) and so does another student from who knows where. We go to school every afternoon on weekdays to learn Italian and then for every other part of the day, it's my understanding that I roam around free (pun intended since it is in Roma that I will be staying).
I don't get a credit because you have to stay about 6 weeks in order to do that, but I'm supposed to go to at least %80 of the classes. I'm really nervous about friends!

I also have nerves about life in Rome.
My friend Morgan will be staying in some apartment thing on her own but we will be going to the EF school together and obviously partying through out the whole trip. On one hand I'm soooooooooo thankful she's going with me. She did this programme last year in France so she has an idea of what to expect. I just hope we don't do that thing (all friends do it once in awhile) where because we are set in our friendship we neglect making friends with others, I really want to come out of this with contacts from around the world!
I also hope the family I live with is easy going -I sent them an e-mail but they haven't replied back yet. I can't forget I'm a little worried about getting lost or stuck on my own but that shouldn't happen cause I have Morgan for a friend :)

For the most part...
I'm so excited!!!!

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