Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sides -A Twisted Ice-cream

Today I was just wondering why is there always a need for people to pick a side?
I understand, everyone has an opinion on something but does it really matter what their opinion is?

I obviously have an opinion on everything in life and for the most part I like to share my opinion but sometimes my opinion is irrelevant and there is no point in sharing it with the world if it won't help.

My friend Christina has two best friends from high school. Like most stories go, her two friends had a falling out and both turned to her. Christina being a very intelligent person had one response for the both of them in more or less the same words as these:
"Oh no, I'm staying out of this."

I don't really know how the story ended however I think its safe to assume everything turned out at least civil because I met them both for the first time earlier this month at Christina's birthday party.

There are at least two sides to everything in life -most likely even three after all we are not 2D cartoons. I often find it easy to see both -even when I am telling one of those stories. I suppose its one of those personality traits people accumulate. I tend not to truly fight with people unless I see my side as clearly being the logical argument (maybe that's what everybody says who knows) otherwise to most degrees I back down.
Christina's story has obviously happened to all of us and for most of us on more than one occasion.

When I was in high school I was made to choose a side -I really regret it looking back on the event.
My friends and I were on a trip and like every other story they got mad at each other. The day they had their fight, we split up into smaller groups to tour the area. For the most part part it was two friends against one and the two, made it very obvious that is I chose not to hang with them then I was declaring that the other friend was right.

The other friend said she understood and it didn't matter -at that moment I should have stayed with her. I would never make my friends choose between me and another friend and I shouldn't have let them dictate me like that but I was 16 and stupid. I hung out with the two friends, they didn't listen to me once and spent a good part of the night complaining about our other friend until I hid from them in annoyance. When they found me I snapped at them for about 5minutes (for all of which they were deaf) and to this day all though I've explained it to them a bunch of times, they don't understand why I was pissed.

A perfect world would be like a twisted ice-cream cone you get from the ice-cream truck. The one that's half chocolate and half vanilla but you already know that and you know the world is not perfect (sigh).
If I do not share my opinion with people it is because I know it is not worth sharing (people be honest with ourselves we all have opinions that are not worth sharing). So if I am not talking, don't bother asking me to.

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