Saturday, January 23, 2010


Have you ever felt like you've had too much to do? Like you're overwhelmed with task: fun or dreadful?


Who hasn't felt like they've got too much on their plate? I feel like that right now so I took a breath and remembered that a ton of you out there are feeling the same. :)

So I think you (RIGHT NOW, Don't wait) should take a breath, stop what you're doing and walk around the room for a minute.
Walk around, think of something crazy or fun or simple and do it! Find something that takes five minutes and as long as it has NO PURPOSE do it! Colour in a colouring book. Change all the pen caps around. Count some tiles on the floor.

I think we all need to remember that in a few years or even a few a months from now all the chores you feel you have to get done now, won't matter anymore. So I'm on my way to do something right now, even if I don't know what that is yet.

Do something useless, you deserve it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

jersey shore get wild get crazy

So I'm really sick well not really sick but i feel like cr*p (I don't know if I should say non pg language) with ear and sinus infections.

so I'm going to ramble on cause i have a lot of Advil and a little out of date orange sinus syrup i was prescribed a few months ago. I also had a lot of those drugs this morning cause I had to write an in class nothing say: BAD IDEA
I bombed. Nothing I wrote made sense until my conclusion which was more of a thesis statement and was in reality my whole argument that I was trying to write it just came out a little incoherent (probably like this blog is now).
Anyhoo The Situation from Jersey Shore is bothering me (I'm watching reruns) and Vinny is turning out to be hilarious.

With recent events in Haiti I sent my last paycheck to the red cross but now I'm frustrated cause it doesn't seem to matter how much I give I can't save the world (doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying but I really wish I was Really really rich so I could do more -I would. As long as my friends and family were safe and happy everything else would go to saving the world but there's the animals the people the earth and each of those have categories such as pets or endangered, locals who need help or foreign aid etc etc etc it seems like i have a lot to do in my lifetime)

I hope my friend Mel is ok, she was having issues but my cell is dead. I have good friends even the friends I don't really consider friends are good -they sent me a lot where are you this week and get better messages.

hahahahaha Snookie on Shore loves pickles so mike and Pauly d. are punk'ing her with pickles. Her real name is Nicole.

Um my old law teacher from high school has a son who is sick um i think its cancer i cant remember right now but hes recovering -struggling but
recovering. Even if i fix the world i cant fix stuff like that.

I wish my blackberry would work. The Killers are taking a break from showbiz...who cares? I loved their first album but their second one did nothing for me and that seems like a long time ago anyway so I think it's safe to say we didn't need them to announce their break.

I like 2 embarrassing things: I really like Jay Leno's work (and apparently that's uncool) AND I like Star Wars episode 1-3 I like them a lot despite what everyone else says I love Jar Jar Binks!

if you listened i mean if you read this and got anything from it WOW i know i wont but if you read this for the sake of reading it THANKS I know it took a lot of effort. I think I'm getting tired however it won't last long so you might get some more.

war child 10 -a new cd to help people check it out

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Years Resolution

I don't really believe in 'New Years resolutions'. I support all of you who try but for the most part I think they're just a scam you commit against yourself, you're saying you know how to better yourself but most of you never do.
This year I have made a resolution! I fully believe that I will follow through but just in case wish me luck.
This year I am going to man enough courage to physically pick up the stray cat!
Cats are kind of a scary thing, one minute they're happy the next minute WHAM they scratch out your eyes but our stray cat Gizmo is the nicest cat Ive ever known and he has taken to entering the house once in awhile. I hope when he's old he can become our fat house cat (even if I die from allergies he grows on people).

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Song of the New Year

OK, so I've noticed people (myself included) have been struggling through this or that and ya what the proverbial "They" say is true 'Life's hard'. You just have to remind yourself that life is hard for everyone so get over it. I mean what else are you going to do? You can sit there and whine but if you're in that mood no matter what at people say it's not going to help until you snap out of it, that's why the January song of the month comes from the year 1999. You might find it a bit harsh but in reality (at least I believe) it pretty much sums up life.
Child Psychology
by Black Box Recorder
I stopped talking when I was six years old
I didn't want anything more to do with the outside world
I was happy being quiet
But of course they wouldn't leave me alone
My parents tried every trick in the book
From speech therapists to child psychologists
They even tried bribery I could have anything,
as long as I said it out loud
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Of course this episode didn't last forever
I'd made my point and it was time to move on
To peel away the next layer of deceit
And see what new surprises lay in store
My school report said I showed no interest
'A disruptive influence' I felt sorry for them in a way
And when they finally expelled me
It didn't mean a thing
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
("At that time she stopped what she was doing, she stopped playing...
she stared, she had the facial grimacing...
and then the psychiatrist was saying, "Julie, Julie, can you hear me?
Can you open your eyes? Can you stick out your tongue?"
And all of a sudden, Julie struck out")
The November when I came home the Christmas decorations were already up
Spray on snow, coloured flashing lights
And an artificial tree that played Silent Night
Over and over again
My parents welcomed me with loving arms
But within an hour were back at each others throats
Normal, happy childhood back on course
Batteries not included
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it
Note: I really DON'T want you to kill yourself, I just think we should all get over it. If you feel suicidal remember your life is 100% worth living and people obviously love you, feel free to contact me on Twitter and we'll get over it together.
I was once given (by a bus driver headed to NYC not just to me but the whole bus) a very touching message that I would like to pass along. "If no one has told you this today: I love you".